Carinthian Plebiscite Museum, Libeliče



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Muzejska zbirka Koroški plebiscit, Libeliče
Libeliče 34, SI-2372 Libeliče

Phone386 (0) 2 621 2522

Koroška Regional Museum opened a permanent exhibition on the Carinthian Plebiscite on the first floor of the priest’s house in Libeliče in 1997, on the 75th anniversary of the incorporation of Libeliče into the then Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. It is divided into several thematic units and encompasses the period from the 'Spring of Nations' in 1848 to September 1922, when the international demarcation commission at a conference in Maribor decided to incorporate Libeliče into Yugoslavia. The struggle for Slovenia's northern border under General Maister was only partially successful. The international peace conference determined the area for the Plebiscite, which was held on 10 October 1920. 59.57 per cent of voters were in favour of Austria and the entire basin of Klagenfurt was incorporated into Austria. Most of the exhibited archive materials draw attention to the causes that brought about the defeat in the Plebiscite and attempt to recreate the mood before the Plebiscite, the aggressive propaganda, and the determination of the people of Libeliče to be incorporated into what they saw as their real homeland.

See also

External links

Muzejska zbirka Koroški plebiscit, Libeliče +
46.622 +
Muzejska zbirka Koroški plebiscit, Libeliče +
14.946 +
SI-2372 Libeliče +
Libeliče 34 +
Koroška Regional Museum opened a [[CarKoroška Regional Museum opened a permanent exhibition on the Carinthian Plebiscite on the first floor of the priest’s house in Libeliče in 1997, on the 75th anniversary of the incorporation of Libeliče into the then Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes.hen Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. +
Koroška Regional Museum opened a permanent exhibition on the Carinthian Plebiscite on the first floor of the priest’s house in Libeliče in 1997, on the 75th anniversary of the incorporation of Libeliče into the then Kingdom of Serbs, Croats and Slovenes. +
+386 / 2 621 2522 +
Libeliče +
SI-2372 +